Spiritual Reflections

OUR LADY OF VICTORY, Lahaina, Maui.         Aug. 15, 2023


Our scripture reading for tonight is from the Gospel of Matthew 7: 24-27


Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them is like a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain came and the floods, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house and it did not fall because it was built upon the rock.


This past week has been one of great sadness and loss as we have observed the devastation in Maui. A hurricane with high winds brought fire to the town of Lahaina, an Hawaiian paradise, sweeping away hundreds of homes, taking lives and leaving total destruction behind. Lahaina in no more, however, a Catholic Church in the middle of the town remains standing. Our Lady of Victory, Maria Lanakila, remains unscathed? No flames touched the property. The interior of the church remains beautiful. The Blessed Sacrament totally preserved. They say it is a miracle, according to Newsweek Magazine. Hearing of the miracle, in the midst of such destruction, I went to their website. They have a Father Damian Fund that is used to assist the poor and needy in the community.  This beautiful church has a heart for the poor. It is a beacon of light on a dark night for those less fortunate.  The preservation of the church has become a sign of hope for those who survived the fire.


Storms enter our lives and most often they come “unexpectedly.” There are times when we can see the dark foreboding clouds on the horizon miles away and the storm changes course sparing us from torrential winds and rain. Then there are times when we are swept off our feet and carried to a place we did not want to go. When the hurricanes of life hit us hard we must chose how we will respond.  A lightening strike can burn away our dreams and leave us with ashes. Who and what is our anchor in times of turmoil and uncertainty? Our lives may seem blown apart, then comes the calm after the storm. It is time to gather up the pieces, like the scattered pieces of a puzzle, and begin to put our lives back together again. Storms often bring loss and change. How we respond determines our future. If Jesus is the sure foundation of our lives, the rock on which we stand, we will recover. We will come out stronger, more faith filled, hopeful and victorious, like the church in Maui, built on the rock, Jesus Christ. Our Lady of Victory was victorious in the fire, wind, smoke and rain. She stands today among the ruins with open arms to embrace those in desperation. Over the altar is a large beautiful painting of The Transfiguration. Jesus in His glory revealing himself as the Son of God to His closest friends. It will give hope to the community, that even in death and loss, Christ has an eternal place for those who trust in Him.


Theodore Parker shares these words.


“Have you ever seen people who through some disaster or loss were driven to great times of prayer? And have you noticed that once the disaster was long forgotten, a spiritual sweetness and tenderness remained that warmed their souls, increased their compassion and gave them hope?  All this - because the storm had come.


God may not give us an easy journey to our heavenly home but He will give us a safe one if Jesus is the foundation and anchor of our lives. Sadly many lost their lives in Maui, but we will all lose our earthly lives someday, in someway. 75 years from now not one of us will be sitting in this room. Let us hold on - as Jesus pulls us to eternal safety. HE ALONE IS OUR LIFELINE TO GOD.   Our anchor, our rock and sure foundation.


God in His providence has a thousand keys to open a thousand different doors in order to deliver His own, no matter how desperate the situation may be. May we be faithful to do our part. To pray when disaster comes. To always TRUST. To always BELIEVE and to never lose HOPE.


On one last note: 

In visiting many of our neighbors in need, some are in the midst of a terrible storm while others are picking up the pieces. Their circumstances are beyond our control. We can offer some small assistance in the middle of a big disaster but always remember, it is Jesus who will open a thousand doors.


I will close with this familiar quote by Cardinal John Henry Newman


O Lord, support us all the days long until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the world is hushed, and the fever of life is over and our work is done. Then Lord, in Your mercy grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest and peace at the last, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN


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